Male vs female guinea pigs

If you’re thinking of getting a guinea pig, you may have come up with some questions for yourself to decide which type of guinea pig suits you best. Long-haired or short-haired? What breed

But there’s also another important question to address before you choose your perfect guinea pig: male or female? (Or as they’re known in the guinea pig world….Boar or sow?) 

If you have no idea where to start on deciding whether they’ll be boys or girls or even a mix of both - don’t worry! Together with top guinea breeder Tara Richardson from the Kavee Rescue, we’ve answered every question you can have about guinea pig gender in this blog!

Two guinea pigs together on a light red background

The differences between female and male guinea pigs

While all piggies are equally lovely, there are certain differences between them dependent on their sex. To start, let's remember that male piggies are known as 'boars' and female piggies are known as 'sows'. Then, let's look at their main differences:

  • Size - Boars tend to be longer and heavier than sows
  • Lifespan - Male piggies also tend to live a little longer than females. Average lifespan for a boar is 5 to 8 years whereas sows live between 4 to 8 years. Their lifespan is, of course, dependent on diet, quality of life and general health too. 
  • Noise - Boy guinea pigs are generally a bit louder than girls - thundering around their cage and squeaking at the tops of their voices when they hear the fridge door opening. 
  • Personality - Every guinea pig’s character is unique, of course, but males tend to be more confident than females, who may be more nervous and take longer to form a bond with you. It can be fairly easy to form a close connection with a friendly, self-assured male piggy whereas females may seem stand-offish with us humans (they’re just playing it cool, that’s all!). 
  • Aggression - Boy guinea pigs are generally more feisty and aggressive than girls. That’s because they feel more territorial and protective of their space which can lead to frequent spats with other piggies, who are ‘threatening’ their territory. Girl guinea pigs tend to be more chilled and less inclined to scrap - although that’s not to say that sows never fight because they can certainly stand up for themselves if required. 
  • Dominance - Regardless of their sex, all guinea pig pairs or herds have to establish a hierarchy with one piggy as the dominant top dog (or top pig). When your piggies are establishing their hierarchy, they will ‘rumble strut’ (walk slowly and menacingly around the other pigs, vibrating their bodies and making a loud, rumbling noise). They also do this when marking their territory and although you’ll probably notice boys doing it more often (as they’re more aggressive in general, as already mentioned), girls will also do rumble strut, especially when they’re in heat.
  • Cleanliness - Sows are generally much cleaner than boys, keeping their living space spick and span as possible by not spreading food all over the place. Male guinea pigs on the other hand? Let’s just say that you’ll be spending more time with a dustpan and brush if you choose boars, which brings us onto….
  • Smell - If you have a very sensitive sense of smell then it’s worth bearing in mind that boy guinea pigs tend to smell more than the girls. That’s because boars have a more active grease gland, which they use to mark their territory and can get a bit whiffy at times. And talking about grease glands, piggy parents of boars will also have to introduce grease glad cleaning to their routine (we have a tutorial of this here, but warning - it's pretty graphic!)
What are the main differences between boars and sows? male and female guinea pig sitting next to each other on white background

How can you tell males and female guinea pigs apart?

The only way to tell if a guinea pig is male or female is to check their ‘bits’. However, sexing guinea pigs at birth can be tricky as their genitalia may be quite swollen at first.

Once the swelling eases after a few days, it's possible to check but only if you really know what you’re looking for. Many people get it wrong and unwittingly put girls and boys in a cage together, resulting in unexpected pregnancies which ultimately lead to countless abandoned guinea pigs in animal rescues.

Tara explains: “A sow’s genitalia has a "Y" shaped opening and a boar’s has an "i" shape. The v shape in the Y is the vulva, the dot of the i shape is the penis.

It can be difficult to tell sometimes as they can be very small as newborns and genitalia can be swollen due to hormones in the first few days. However, light pressure applied to the abdomen just above the genitalia will usually make clear if there is a penis or vulva.”

How to tell male and female guinea pigs apart? Boars and sows anatomy difference infographic

Watch the following video for an example of sexing guinea pigs:

Caring for male vs female guinea pigs: which are easier? 

There’s no straightforward answer to this question so let’s look at guinea pig care needs related to their sex. 

Caring for Boars (Male Guinea Pigs)

Male guinea pigs may need their cage cleaned more frequently due to their tendency to messiness as well as requiring more frequent washing and baths because their grease gland is more active and can cause nasty niffs. 

So how do you keep a grease gland clean?

Tara explains: “It’s advisable not to clean a grease gland too often and each piggy will differ depending on the amount of secretions produced. If you do need to clean this area, a good quality washing up liquid works really well. If the area is particularly clogged, Swarfega Original Hand Cleaner can be a good option too.

Dampen the area with warm water and rub a small amount of the soap into the grease until it breaks down the deposits, rinse really well under warm running water,  be sure to remove all of the soap before carefully drying with a clean towel.”

Here's an instructional video on how to clean grease glands for guinea pigs:

Another thing to consider is that (brace yourselves), when boars get ‘excited’, they ejaculate, whether neutered or not. Their seminal fluid - or ‘boar glue’ - becomes rubbery and hard if left to fester in their fur and can also smell pretty grim. For tips on dealing with ‘boar glue’, check out this helpful video by Saskia at LA Guinea Pig Rescue:

Also, as boars mature in age (generally over 2-years-old) they’re prone to faecal impaction, causing poop to get backed up in their rectum. Although this issue can be seen in females, it’s more common in males due to increased size of their testicles preventing faeces leaving the rectum. Faecal impaction can be painful as well as causing a pong so what’s the best way to treat it? 

Tara explains: “Soak your piggy’s bottom with warm water and very gently break away the impaction using your fingers at first. Virgin coconut oil can be used to help gently release the matter from the perineal sack and you can also leave coconut oil to soak a while on the skin, which can help soften and release deposits.

You can then use cotton wool and cotton buds to gently remove anything stuck to the skin. If the impaction is bad, cotton buds can be used to gently sweep the contents out of the sack. Cleaning may have to be undertaken in several sittings - never use anything sharp and always be gentle.

The skin in this area is delicate and sensitive. If it causes your guinea pain and doesn't soften and break away with coconut oil, it’s important to see a vet.”

Here's a fantastic instructional video from Tara herself on how to treat impaction in guinea pigs:

Caring for Sows (Female Guinea Pigs)

Female guinea pigs are more prone to urinary tract infections (UTIs) which can be fatal if left untreated. These UTIs can lead to the development of ovarian cysts, which are most common in sows aged between 2 to 4 years old.

Signs of UTIs include weight loss, lack of appetite, lethargy, crying when urinating and blood in the urine.  If you notice any of the symptoms we've listed, you’ll need to take your poorly piggy to the vet where they will do tests and take an X-ray to diagnose the problem.

signs of UTI urinary tract infection in female guinea pig sows infographic health care

Then there’s your sow’s reproductive system to consider. Female guinea pigs can become pregnant at just a few weeks old if they’re left with a boar who hasn’t been neutered. Both males and females can mate from about 2-months-old but for some, it may be even younger. Females can be fertile or ‘in heat’ every two to three weeks. So it's always best to separate unneutered boys from girls!

You may also be wondering whether sows bleed or have periods. The answer is that no, female guinea pigs don’t have periods. If you notice that your guinea pig is bleeding, you should get them checked out by a vet as a matter of urgency. 

Do male and female guinea pigs have different diet needs?

While every piggy thrives with a diet rich in fiber, fresh leafy greens, and safe veggies, there are certain foods that can meet the specific needs of your sows and boars.

At Kavee, we’re always looking for ways to simplify the life of pet parents everywhere. Let's have a better look to find out what are the differences!

Two guinea pigs eating from Kavee food divider dish

Diet needs for Boars

As we mentioned before, boars tend to be smellier than sows due to their active grease gland, used to mark their territory. This isn’t just a problem for your poor nose - the smell can also attract parasites!

You can alleviate the strong smell of boars by feeding them peppermint, which is also a natural repellent to lice and mites. You can also make your boys less stinky with birch leaves, which are great for regulating a piggy’s kidney functions

Moreover, boars can be more territorial than sows and are not afraid to get into a fight. So it’s important to enrich their diets with foods that help them keep their strength up like zucchini, which helps fight arthritis and reduces muscle cramps

Diet needs for Sows

Sows are more prone to UTIs, and so should be fed foods that can aid with the prevention of this infection. Chamomile and hibiscus are two plants that are greatly beneficial for female piggies, as they directly reduce the chances of UTIs. And that’s on top of being anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-spasmodic!

Nettle leaves are also another food that can benefit the reproductive system of sows, and that’s also great for preserving a piggy's bodily functions.

Another thing to keep in mind is that female guinea pigs tend to have higher cholesterol levels than male piggies. Try feeding them celery stalks to reduce cholesterol and support their metabolism.

Guinea pig being hand fed a leaf by a person

Choosing a cage for male or female guinea pigs: any differences to consider? 

As we’ve already explained, boars can be more aggressive & territorial, and are generally larger in length and heft than sowsSo it stands to reason that male guinea pigs need a bigger indoor guinea pig cage.  

The current general guidelines are that two sows require a cage with 8 square feet of floor space and that two boars need 10 square feet. However, here at Kavee, we always advise piggy parents to buy as big a cage as they can afford for their guinea pigs so that they have plenty of room to zoom and popcorn to their little hearts’ content. Here at Kavee, we recommend buying C&C guinea pig cages of the following sizes:

Two sows - a cage at least 10 square feet, like our 4x2 C&C cages.

Two guinea pigs inside Kavee cage

Two boars/three sows/one neutered boar and two sows - a cage at least 12 square feet, like our 5x2 C&C cages.

5x2 indoor guinea pig cage with double stand

Four sows - a cage at least 14 square feet, like our 6x2 C&C cages.

Kavee 6x2 indoor guinea pig cage

But always buy a bigger cage if you can! And if you have an even larger herd, you can expand and modify your C&C cage as much as you require in order to give your piggies the best quality of life possible. To learn more about the different guinea pig cage sizes, check out this blog and if you're ready to get the perfect guinea pig house for your furry family, try our Cage Builder.

examples of C&C cage sizes for 2 guinea pigs 3 guinea pigs 4 guinea pigs boars and sows


Can male and female guinea pigs live together? 

As we’ve mentioned, girls and boys can live harmoniously together - either in pairings or in a herd consisting of multiple females and one male. But (and this is a very big but!) you can't house a boar and sow together if the male hasn’t been neutered or the sow hasn’t been spayed because of the risk of unwanted pregnancies

In fact, vets advise against guinea pig parents attempting to breed guinea pigs. Not only can pregnancy and birth be very dangerous for sows, caring for a lactating sow and her newborn pups is a huge responsibility and not one that should be attempted by inexperienced breeders. 

As Tara explains: “Guinea pigs are born precocious. This means that they are fully developed, their ears and eyes are open, they are covered in fur and can get to their feet immediately and begin feeding on solid foods within 24 hours. Because they are born at a more advanced stage than other rodents, pregnancy lasts longer, putting more strain on the mother’s body and depleting her essential stores of vitamin C and calcium amongst other things. A drastic drop in these nutrients at birth is what can cause potentially fatal pregnancy toxemia. 

As pups are large in comparison to their mum’s body, birth is difficult and there’s a higher risk of both stillbirth and death of the pregnant sow.”

Can males and female guinea pigs live together? two guinea pigs sitting together outside

Can male guinea pigs live in the same room as females?

Yes, it’s possible for boars and sows to live in separate cages in the same room but there are few things you should take into consideration beforehand.

Tara explains: “It can be possible for the two to live in the same room but success is very dependent on numbers and on the guinea pigs’ personalities and bonds.

When a sow comes into heat it will be impossible to protect the boars from the scent, if the boars have a fragile bond, this can cause them to fight, if you really must house them in the same room, housing the boars above the sows tends to be most successful but ideally, they should be in separate rooms as it is never worth risking the boars’ bond.

Once broken it can be impossible to reunite them. Even if your boars are neutered, they will still fight over sows in heat and the situation can soon become fraught.”

 example on how to separate male and female guinea pigs 4x2 C&C cage double stacked two tiered setup

How can you care for a female guinea pig in heat?

Tara explains: Most sow’s estrus cycles (when they are fertile) are short. Between 2 to 8 hours is normal and many people will miss this, especially if it occurs overnight, however some sows can become grumpy, restless and hormonal.

If they prefer not to be handled then be kind and leave them be. Foods rich in Vitamin C can help with hormones and foods such as sweet peppers or mandarin oranges always go down well at this time.

A sow in heat will often chase and mount their cage mates but this is perfectly normal behavior and you shouldn't be concerned. The best way to keep a herd of sows settled and balanced is to house them with a neutered boar.” 

Guinea pig herd size for males and females - which is best? 

As we’ve already mentioned, guinea pigs are very sociable creatures who simply cannot live alone. If left in a cage on their own, a guinea pig can get very lonely and depressed, which may lead to them refusing to eat, losing a lot of weight and becoming seriously ill or even dying. So NEVER take on only one guinea pig - they must always have a buddy!

The simplest - and most common way - to keep guinea pigs is in single sex pair, so two sows together or two boars. Siblings, a mum and daughter or father and son work well as pairings as they’re already bonded. You can pair a boar and a sow together but they must be neutered first to avoid unwanted pregnancies. 

Boys tend to thrive most in single sex pairs - add one or more extra boars and you risk breaking up that bond, which can result in dominance struggles, frequent fights and general unhappiness within the herd. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule and you may well find that a larger group of boars can live together in perfect harmony but we’d generally advise against testing this out because if your herd does not get along, you’ll have to split them up and find space for another cage. Rescues often report that males are overlooked at rescues because people want to adopt larger groups, which usually means taking on girls, not boys. 

Girls do well in pairs, providing they’re well bonded, but they can also exist happily within a larger herd, either with more females or a group of girls and a neutered boar. If you’re planning a herd of three or more, don’t be tempted to add more than one neutered boar to the mix. As the boar will always assert dominance over the sows in his herd, even if neutered, it can lead to conflict if another boar is introduced into the mix.

If you have an all female herd, you may notice that the hierarchy changes over time, with the piggies fighting for dominance from time to time. This is absolutely normal and the guinea pigs will generally work things out between themselves. However, sometimes a herd of sows simply doesn’t get along. If you notice your group of girls nipping, biting or injuring each other, you will have to step in and consider splitting up the herd.

examples of herd sizes of guinea pigs males and females boars and sows

What are the benefits of adding a neutered boy to a herd of female guinea pigs?

Tara explains: A neutered boar will be head of the herd, you will still have a matriarch and pecking order amongst the sows. Neutering a boar doesn't change his behavior in any way, he will still display mating behavior and mount the sows when they are in heat, this means that there are far less squabbles amongst the sows, in general as well as during estrus.

He cannot reproduce but he can and will "mate" the sows when they need him to, he will naturally go to them and they will be satisfied by his advances thus creating a calmer environment, as the sows won't be mounting and chasing each other causing tempers to become frayed with unwanted advances. He will be a busy boy taking care of his sows and this type of group is usually the most tranquil for both the sows and the boar.

An important note to add is that even when a boar is neutered, there must only be one boar per herd of sows. As mentioned before, neutering doesn't change his behavior which includes aggression toward other boars, neutered or intact.
two guinea pigs sitting together

So what is the right guinea pig herd size for me? 

This is very much a personal choice based on the space available to you along with how much time you have to devote to caring for your guinea pigs. It’s also important to consider the financial aspect of being a guinea pig parent. The more piggies you adopt, the more fresh veggies, hay and pellets you will need - as well as potential vet fees if any of them get ill. 

Also, if you decide to keep a bigger herd and then end up separating your piggies because they don’t get along, you’ll need to be prepared to shell out for more cages and bedding. For more tips on the cost of keeping guinea pigs, check out this blog.

Kavee C&C 6x2 indoor guinea pig cage with stand


We hope that thanks to this blog, you now have a better idea of the differences between sows and boars, how sexing guinea pigs works, and are a little closer to knowing whether boys or girls (or a mix of both) will suit you and your lifestyle. Whatever way you decide to go, one thing is certain - becoming a guinea pig parent is a hugely rewarding experience and will bring you endless joy!

If you want to learn more about guinea pig care in general, make sure you check out our free caring guide.


Guinea pig careGuinea pig health

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