They're cute, they're fluffy, it’s hard to find someone who will resist the urge to hold a guinea pig. But what is the correct way to hold a guinea pig? They’re delicate after all!
In this guide, we'll highlight the dos and don’ts when it comes to handling your guinea pigs. Read on to find out more!

Before you pick up your guinea pig
If you’re like us, you’re already super excited to go ahead and hold your guinea pigs - it’s one of the simplest ways to bond with them after all. But first, there are a few things to take into consideration!
Practice Good Hand Hygiene
It’s always a good idea to wash your hands before and after handling animals. It’s the best way to protect your guinea pigs from any germs that may be harmful to them and to remove any strong scents or flavors that could make your piggies uncomfortable!

Avoid Heavy Perfumes or Hand Moisturizers
Guinea pigs have an excellent sense of smell! In fact, it's one of their strongest senses. That’s why it's important to avoid strong smelling soaps, perfumes or moisturizers when handling your guinea pigs. These odors can also mask your own natural scent which may also confuse your guinea pigs as they get to know you. Another good reason to wash your hands before piggy bonding!

Choose a quiet and calm space
Guinea pigs are also sensitive to loud sounds and sudden movements. As prey animals, they may try to jump or jolt if they perceive any threat. That’s why location is important when choosing a spot to hold your guinea pigs. If you're able to, try finding a quiet space to avoid stressing them out.

Restrict Access to other Pets
Do you have other animals in your household? If so, it may be best to keep your pets away from where you'll be holding your guinea pigs. Because of their prey instinct, guinea pigs can quickly become stressed if a dog, cat, or any other animal is found sniffing around. Another pet’s excitement can quickly be mistaken as a threat so it's important to keep your guinea pigs comfortable until they get more used to handling.

Keep some treats on standby
Guinea pigs are the ULTIMATE foodie! They love their veggies and will excitedly wheek any time they hear cupboards closing or plastic bags rustling. To make your piggy comfortable, keep a handful of their favorite snack nearby. Feeding the occasional treat during handling helps them associate the interaction as a positive experience. Not sure which treat to pick? Have a look at our complete list of safe veggies and plants on the Kavee Care Pack.
Now, how do you pick up a guinea pig? We’ll cover this very important answer next!

The best way to pick up and hold your guinea pig
Now that you’ve chosen a quiet space, collected some of your piggy’s favorite snacks and washed your hands, it’s time to pick up your furry friend. But don’t just charge in there and reach into their cage - that would be scary! Guinea pigs startle easily after all, so your approach matters.
Step 1: Make your presence known
Be sure to let your guinea pigs know when you're in their space. If your guinea pig doesn't initially notice you - perhaps they're busy munching on some tasty hay - it can be quite scary for them if you try to reach out and grab them. They may think you're a predator out to get them!
Make sure that you interact with them in a bright, well-lit setting to avoid stressing them out. This allows your piggies to be more in tune with what’s happening around them.
Step 2: Allow your guinea pigs to smell your hands
Your guinea pigs will feel more comfortable if they can smell your scent before being picked up. Another way to help your piggies understand that you're a friend, not a foe!
Step 3: Guide your guinea pig to an advantageous spot
With both hands, guide your piggy to a corner in their cage. Move so that one hand is positioned at your guinea pig’s front and one is near their bottom. Do so calmly to avoid making them feel like they're being chased.
Step 4: Support your guinea pig’s belly
Carefully slide your dominant hand under your piggy’s tummy so that you're supporting them as you're about to pick them up.
Step 5: Place your other hand on your guinea pig’s back
As you lift your guinea pig up, use both hands to ensure that they feel secure. Gently rest your other hand on the middle of their back.
Step 6: Hold your guinea pig close to your chest
Lift your guinea pig so that they're held close to your body. This will help to ensure that they're well supported while you interact with them. Do so while still supporting your guinea pig’s back, shifting your dominant hand to support their bottom. Some guinea pigs may feel a bit nervous, especially if they're not used to being handled. This move will prevent them from making any hasty jumps or wiggles which could result in an injury if not careful!

If you prefer a visual example, here's Tara from the Kavee Rescue explaining how to correctly pick up a guinea pig:
Why does my guinea pig keep running away from me?
If you attempt to pick your guinea pig up using our steps above, but they're still choosing to run away from you, don’t panic. It’s important to remember that guinea pigs are more cautious than most when it comes to physical interactions. Take a few minutes for both of you to relax and stay calm before you attempt to try again!
A few piggy parents may find their guinea pigs are natural social butterflies, which is great, but for most, you’ll find that you have to earn your guinea pig’s trust before they get comfortable with being held. Some guinea pigs don't get used to being held at all, and that’s okay too! Each guinea pig is different and has different tolerances for certain activities.

Other ways to safely hold a guinea pig
Now that you’ve successfully picked up your guinea pig, you can switch up your position depending on what is most comfortable for you both. Guinea pigs are most comfortable in positions where they're placed as if they're sitting on a flat surface.
So, what are the safest ways to hold a guinea pig? Here’s four!
Seated Position
Where possible, consider taking a seat when holding your guinea pigs. You can comfortably hold your guinea pig on your lap with a fleece pee pad to prevent any little accidents. By sitting down, you're effectively reducing the chance of dropping your guinea pig.
To make your guinea pig even more comfortable during the experience, you can sit on the floor so that if they wanted to stretch their legs, they could do so without feeling restricted. You could try this during floor time.
Cradled Position
Have your guinea pig positioned so that they're laying flat in your arms. Ensure that you have one arm supporting them under their body while your other hand is holding their back securely.

Can guinea pigs be placed on their backs?
The simple answer is no! Guinea pigs should never be laid on their back because it can cause damage to their delicate spine. Here’s why!
Understanding guinea pig anatomy
You’ve probably noticed that guinea pigs have a slight curve to their back. That’s because they have curved spines which makes them more sensitive to certain types of movements. This is key to understanding which positions are safe when holding them, as they can be vulnerable to spinal injuries.
If your guinea pig is placed in an unsafe position, such as directly on their back, it could result in pain or injury. Here is a helpful illustration to better visualise your guinea pig’s spine!

A common cause of spinal injuries in guinea pigs are small pet toys such as exercise wheels and balls. As popular as these items may seem, there have been several reports of these toys resulting in injury, as their curved surfaces apply pressure on their spines, bending them in the opposite direction.
Other unsafe positions for your guinea pigs
For similar reasons, guinea pigs can also find vertical positions very uncomfortable. Since they have a curved spine, making them stretch their bodies out upwards can strain or sprain their back.
Listed below are some other positions that you should never place your guinea pigs in:
Bottom Position
Reclining your guinea pig back so that they're sat back on their bottom is very uncomfortable on your guinea pigs!
One Handed Position
Never hold your guinea pig with only one hand. If your guinea pig becomes stressed, there is a higher chance that they'll attempt to jump or wiggle out of your grasp. It's always best to hold your guinea pig so that they're secure and comfortable in both of your hands.
Dolly Position
Avoid holding your guinea pig so that your hands are only holding them under their front arms. This position doesn't support their bottom, which can make them incredibly uncomfortable and stressed.
How often should I hold my guinea pigs?
Just like people, every guinea pig is different! Not only are they different in color or size, each guinea pig has their own likes and dislikes. For this reason, guinea pigs will vary with how often they enjoy being held. It's important to hold them only as much as they are comfortable with!

As piggy parents, it's important to understand the many dos and don'ts when it comes to holding a guinea pig. Certain positions can cause pain or even injury if not careful. With our ultimate guide above, we hope it can help every piggy parent understand what positions are safest when handling their guinea pigs.