9 Signs Your Guinea Pig Loves You

As piggy parents, we know you’d do anything for your guinea pigs, and we try to show them how much we love them, each and every day. But do your guinea pigs love you back? Their skittish nature can sometimes make that hard to tell. The signs may not be obvious but as social animals, guinea pigs CAN show affection too! 

They obviously won’t be sending you soppy texts or Valentine’s Day cards but here are nine tell-tale signs that your piggy loves you.

Guinea pig holding a big red heart showing their love

Love Sign #1: Your guinea pig popcorns for you

Body language can tell you so much about how someone feels about you and guinea pigs are no exception to this rule. Guinea pigs may have a reputation as being shy creatures but when they’re happy about something, they’re not afraid to show it

Popcorning is when piggies suddenly and unexpectedly leap up from a standing position - like a piece of popping corn. Sometimes, they even change direction in mid-air as well as emitting an excited wheeking sound. 

As a piggy parent, it’s a joy to behold a popcorning guinea pig. If you see your piggy breaking out its signature happy dance when you appear beside their cage then you know that you’re doing something right.

Love Sign #2: Your guinea pig gives you kisses

Guinea pig licks, also referred to as guinea pig kisses, are just one of the ways your guinea pigs can show you they like you

When a guinea pig licks you, it's a good sign that your piggy is feeling comfortable and safe with you! After all, piggies love to groom each other, so you can see it as a way for them to bond with their favorite hooman.

Guinea pig being held by woman

Love Sign #3: Your guinea pig likes to eat from your hand

Guinea pigs like to dine in private. You may spot your little gourmand dragging a huge chunk of lettuce into a hidey to enjoy an uninterrupted snack. But if they trust you and feel comfortable with you, they’ll have no qualms about taking a tasty morsel from your hands

Hand taming your guinea pigs can take time but it’s so worth doing. As we explain in our guinea pig bonding articleregularly hand feeding your piggy will teach them that you’re the bearer of tasty treats. Feeding them during cuddle time as they cozy up in a cuddle cup is also a great bonding tactic. And here's another tip: did you know that guinea pigs feel safer when they’re higher up? For this reason, stands are a great cage addition to ease the hand taming process.

Love Sign #4: Your guinea pig nibbles but does not bite you

Generally speaking, guinea pigs are lovers not fighters and won’t actively seek to bite a human. They’re more likely to run for cover when they feel threatened, rather than attack. If you get bitten, it might be that they don't feel like cuddling or they've excitedly mistaken your finger for a piece of carrot when you hand feed them during floor time.

Guinea pig teeth are sharp so even accidental bites can hurt! However, they do show affection - to each other and to humans - by giving gentle nibbles so if this happens, rest assured that they feel safe and content with you.

guinea pig nibbles but does not bite pet owner short haired guinea pig sniffy hand

Love Sign #5: Your guinea pig talks to you

Piggies are talkative little creatures and they have a very varied vocabulary featuring lots of different noisesWhen guinea pigs are scared, they usually hide and freeze in silence to avoid being spotted by potential predators. So if your piggy makes happy little noises when you hold them, it’s a sign that they feel relaxed in your company

You may also hear them wheeking when you approach their cage, particularly if you happen to be rustling a tantalising food packet. After all, the quickest way to a guinea pig’s heart is through that tiny but bottomless stomach!

Love Sign #6: Your guinea pig follows you around during floor time

Every guinea pig needs daily floor time out of their cage to banish boredom and exercise. Once your piggy has been enjoying regular floor time and has gained confidence being out of their cage, you may notice them following you as you move around in your home. 

As we’ve already mentioned guinea pigs generally hide when they feel threatened or unsafe so if they instead run towards you and follow you around during floor time, it means that they truly are your biggest fan. Just be careful not to trip over them! 

Guinea pig on a wooden floor during out of cage time

Love Sign #7: Your guinea pig lets you groom them

Guinea pigs - especially long-haired varieties - benefit from regular grooming. This can include bathing, brushing their coat, and even trimming their nailsBathing and nail cutting can be stressful for guinea pigs so it’s important not to overdo it - especially bathing, which should only happen a few times a year if absolutely needed.

If your guinea pig sits calmly on your lap and allows you to gently brush or comb their fur then it’s pretty certain that they feel happy in your company. Don’t forget some tasty treats to reward them with - they’ll love you even more for it. 

Long haired guinea pig getting brushed with soft bristle brush

Love Sign #8: Your guinea pig climbs over you

Get closer to your guinea pigs during floor time by lying or sitting down quietly on a fleece liner as they scamper around. As always, it helps if you have some healthy snacks on your lap or on your hand to encourage your piggies to come and investigate. 

If your guinea pigs feel safe, they might approach you for a little sniff and they may even climb over you! It can take a while to gain your guinea pig’s trust during floor time - don’t expect it to happen the first time by any means. Just be patient, gentle, and wait for them to come to you rather than force it - this will make it an enjoyable experience for both of you!

Person cradling guinea pig in their arms

Love Sign #9: Your guinea pig takes a nap near you

Guinea pigs rarely close their eyes - it’s a defensive instinct after all - and only sleep in quick snooze sessions lasting roughly 5 minutes. That’s why many piggy parents find it tricky to see a sleeping piggy.

So, how can guinea pigs show their love through naps? If they close their eyes while resting with you or even during head pats and scratches, they're clearly enjoying your attention, and trust you enough to let their guard down!


Once your guinea pig becomes comfortable around you, they can be incredibly loving and affectionate. Some guinea pigs can take longer to warm up to their piggy parents but, by watching out for these 9 key signs, you’ll find out in no time that your guinea pig loves you back! 


Guinea pig careGuinea pig fun

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