Guinea pig happiness checklist

What makes a guinea pig truly happy? Is it that fresh bunch of parsley that you just gave them? Probably, as we all know that guinea pigs LOVE their food. But what else impacts their happiness?

While guinea pigs have their own unique personalities, there are few important things that make guinea pigs happier than others. In this blog, we take a closer look at key things that impact your guinea pigs' happiness and overall wellbeing. Read on to find out more!

Person holding a guinea pig

Signs that your guinea pig is unhappy

Luckily, guinea pigs are highly expressive creatures. In fact, there are 12 noises and sounds that guinea pigs make to convey a variety of emotions. For the most part, they're content, but when something isn’t quite right or their needs aren't being met, their happiness can take a plungeHere are a few tell-tale signs to indicate that your guinea pig is unhappy:

Destructive Behavior: as piggies are curious creature, it's natural for them to nibble or chew their cage from time to time. They're curious creatures after all! But when you start to notice your guinea pig picking up bad habits, such as excessive cage bar biting, coroplast chewing, or nibbling their fleece bedding, it's important to assess the cause of this type of behavior.

Change in Activity Levels: guinea pigs for the most part are active, bustling animals that love to scurry around. Whether they're busy munching on some hay or running around their cage, they always seem to be up to something! Of course, how active your piggy can be is all down to personality, as some will enjoy more naps and downtime. Keep an eye on your piggies and bring them to the vet if you notice any sudden changes in their activity levels.

Unhappy Guinea Pig Sounds: guinea pigs make plenty of noise! Although we may not speak the same language, there are some distinct noises and sounds you can listen out for. If you notice a sudden shriek, lots of rumbling, or teeth chattering, your piggy may be unhappy with something.

Guinea Pig Fights: we all get into disagreements from time to time. However, if you start to notice your guinea pigs are frequently squabbling or fighting, it's crucial to understand where this newfound aggression is coming from. If left to escalate, some guinea pigs can become injured from nasty bites or scratches.

If your guinea pigs are showing any of the above signs, it's important to search for a likely cause. To help you in your investigation, we've listed 6 key reasons why your guinea pig could be unhappy!

4 Signs that your guinea pig is unhappy

6 things that affect your guinea pig’s happiness

Did you know that there are six main things that can have a direct effect on your guinea pigs happiness? They are:

Your guinea pig’s diet

An opened fridge door, a crinkly bag, or even the crunches from a box opening is sure to cause a symphony of excited guinea pig wheeks. Every guinea pig parent can agree that the best way to a guinea pig’s heart is through their stomach. That’s why providing a guinea pig with a balanced diet is so crucial. Here are some things to remember:


Guinea pigs are unable to produce their own vitamin C so they will need to get this essential vitamin from their food. That’s why it's important that each guinea pig receives approximately 50 grams of fresh vegetables daily

Fresh veggies should be washed before serving in order to remove any debris or contamination. Vegetables should also be in good condition and not cold, wet or rotten, which can cause bloatingFor a comprehensive list of safe and unsafe vegetables for guinea pigs, be sure to check out our free guinea pig care pack.


Providing good quality, unlimited hay is essential for your guinea pigs as it comprises 80% of their diet. Good hay is green (meadow hay is yellow), dry to touch, free from debris, and smells fresh.



Fresh drinking water should be available at all times in a clean bowl or bottle. With little to no water, guinea pigs can quickly become dehydrated, especially in warmer temperatures.


It's recommended that guinea pigs are fed one tablespoon of fresh pellets every day. Guinea pig pellets should contain little to no grain or cereal, as it puts your guinea pigs at risk of diabetes and obesity.

Your guinea pig’s environment

Guinea pigs prefer quiet, calm environments as they are often easily startled and cautious of new surroundings. They can become uncomfortable and stressed out around loud noises or sudden movements, so place their cage an area for them that is free from noisy or startling triggers.

Here are some simple ways to make your guinea pig’s space more comfortable:

  • House your guinea pigs in the quietest room of your home
  • Close the door to their room where possible
  • Encourage small children to use their ‘inside voice’ around your guinea pigs
  • Keep television, radio, or other noisy items at lower volumes around your guinea pigs
  • Keep other pets away from your piggies
  • Provide plenty of hiding spaces for your guinea pigs to use (like hideys)

An indoor guinea pig cage with a stand can help your guinea pigs feel more comfortable and secure in their home by putting them on the same level as you. This will make them less likely to mistake you for a predator!

Your guinea pig’s overall health

Healthy guinea pigs are happy guinea pigs. When guinea pigs are ill, their behaviour can change. For instance, they can become irritable and lash out at their cage mates, or become lethargic or disinterested in their food and toys. That’s why you should pay close attention to your guinea pig’s health, and seek out help from your cavy-savvy vet when necessary.

Piggies know how to hide signs of illness as they attempt to appear less vulnerable to others. While this defence mechanism once served them well in the wild, it now makes it harder for pet parents to spot warning signs early.

Vet checking the guinea pig's health

Your guinea pig’s living space

Guinea pigs LOVE to run around! In fact, despite their small size, guinea pigs can run up to an impressive 9.6 kilometers per hour (that’s approximately 6 miles per hour)! These little busy bodies need plenty of space to stretch their legs and enjoy some much needed exercise.

Guinea pigs who live in unsuitable setups such as multi-storied or cramped cages can quickly become unhappy. Despite their small size, they require a lot more space than one might realize, for example, two guinea pigs need a minimum of 8 square feet of flat living space.

Kavee's C&C cages are designed to go over the minimum recommended guinea pig cage size, offering plenty of space to popcorn and zoom. Check out our blog on the different types of indoor guinea pig cages to learn more about this topic.


Your guinea pig's enrichment

Do you have any hobbies? Although you'll probably never catch your piggy playing chess or baking a cake, guinea pigs are intelligent creatures that will enjoy exploring or interacting with things inside and outside their cage.  

Guinea pigs require stimulation which will greatly boost their mood, and reinforce healthy natural behaviors. As mentioned, they love to run around so providing them with time outside of their cage is a great way to keep them active & boost their confidence. Whether that's within the confines of your home, or an adventure in the garden.

In addition to physical activity, boredom busters such as willow balls to chew or fleece tunnels are great to keep piggies stimulated and busy. After all, a lack of stimulation can lead to the development of obesity, diabetes, and other health issues.


Your guinea pig and companionship


Imagine being in a foreign land and not being able to understand or speak the local dialect. This would be isolating for some and often distressing, and the same applies to guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are social creatures and are happiest when they have other piggies to spend time with. Without furry friends, guinea pigs can become quite lonely and it can negatively impact their overall healthLoneliness in guinea pigs can cause:

  • Decreased or lack of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Low-mood
  • Decreased physical activity
  • Behavior issues
  • Skittishness 

While piggies may fly solo due to pregnancy, illness or loss, it should never be the standard. If you're unsure about finding a companion to your piggy, consider visiting a local rescue. Most rescues will offer matchmaking services for single piggies which is often the easiest way to find the best match for your lonely singleton.


Incorrect Bond

The wrong pairing or an unbalanced herd dynamic can also have an effect on your guinea pigs happiness. Guinea pigs can have the occasional disagreement with one another, but frequent fighting may indicate that your guinea pigs are unhappy with one another

If you have ruled out all other possibilities and you have noticed that your guinea pigs are still fighting, it could be an indication that your piggies’ bond has broken down. Aggressive behavior such as persistent chasing, facing off against each other with their noses raised, or circling are all red flags. Check out our blog on how to pair guinea pigs to learn more about bonding your furry friends.

How do I know if my guinea pigs are happy?

Luckily, a happy guinea pig is easy to spot and there are many things to trigger an excited piggy, such as:

  • Excited wheeking
  • Popcorning (happy hops and twists in the air)
  • Zoomies (running around with a ‘big burst of energy’)
  • Good health and normal activity levels
  • Purring or chutting noises
  • Guinea pig kisses
  • Good appetite
  • Sleeping out in the open

Check out our blog on the ‘9 Signs your Guinea Pig Really Loves You’ for more adorable indications.

How can I make my guinea pigs happier?

We know that providing your guinea pigs with the best quality of life is your top priority! Here are a few simple ways to make your guinea pigs popcorn with joy.

Expand your guinea pig’s cage

As mentioned above, your guinea pigs living space can have a direct impact on your piggy’s happiness. The less room they have, the more uncomfortable and frustrated they can become. C&C guinea pig cages aren't just more spacious, they're also customizable, allowing you to easily expand your set-up whenever needed.


Switch to fleece bedding

While loose bedding types such as wood shavings or litter pellets can be safe for guinea pigs, the reality is that they're not very comfortable. And if we know one thing, is that guinea pigs love their comfort! 

Find out why so many guinea pig parents are making the switch from wood shavings to fleece linersFleece bedding isn't just comfortable, it's also cost effective, easier to store, reusable, and helps prevent respiratory infectionsNew to fleece liners? Learn more with our ultimate guide to guinea pig fleece liners.

Provide plenty of hiding spots

Guinea pigs feel most comfortable when they have places to hide, and can feel stressed when left out in the open. By adding a hiding spot to their cage, such as our fleece hideyyou help them feel more secure and comfy

Since guinea pigs aren't big on sharing, add a variety of hiding spaces for all the piggies in your cage. The extra accessories will also help reduce the chances of fighting over the same hiding spots, especially if you have male pairs!


Bonding with your guinea pigs

Putting some time aside to spend with your guinea pigs every day is essential to strengthen your bond with them. Piggies can be quite timid at the start, but with a little time and patience, you’ll become the best of buds.

Not sure where to begin? Check out our 20 best ways to bond with your guinea pig.

Bonding time will improve your guinea pig's happinessCleaning your guinea pig's cage

When you provide your guinea pigs with a clean cage, you’re showing them how much you care. Not only will this make them popcorn with glee, it will also make them feel more comfortable as they watch you interact with their cage.

Plus, who doesn't love the feeling of freshly cleaned bedding?! Check out our guinea pig cage cleaning guide for the most simple and effective way to keep their home in tip top shape.



A happy guinea pig is a healthy, entertained piggy! We hope our guide will help you identify how your piggies are feeling and find ways to boost up their happiness. By providing them with companionship, a spacious home, good diet, and comfortable living environment, your guinea pigs will surely be at their happiest!

For more tips on how to care for guinea pigs, make sure to check out our free care guide


Guinea pig careGuinea pig health

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